Kubernetes Part 1: How to build your own Kubernetes cluster with Rasberry Pi's.

How to build your own kubernetes cluster with Rasberry Pi's.

After gaining some experience with Docker, the next step in container technology is using the orchestration of Kubernetes. Since a Kubernetes cluster can be expensive running in Azure or AWS for personal (educational) use. I discovered it is also possible to build your own with a couple Rasberry Pi's. It is also a lot of fun building one.

For my Kubernetes Rasberry Pi's home cluster, I have bought the following equipment. 

I have removed the cooling fan the POE hat, and used cooling blocks instead, so the Rasberry PI would fit better in the case.

I didn't buy ethernet cables since I had some old cables available, but if you need buy them you need at least 4. One the connect the switch to your netwerk  and 3 to connect (and power) your Rasberry Pi's.

I have bought 3 Rasberry Pi's, but for Kubernetes the bare minimum is two. One Master node and One Worker node. 

I have also bought POE boards for the Rasberry Pi's so I can power them via the ethernetcables. This for my convenience and not a requirement, but powering  them via a normal USB-C adapter is just fine.

So you are able to cut some costs if you're on a tight budget.

For storage I use my Synology DS216+II NAS, but any storage NFS server will do.

If the next post there will be a great video (and wiki tutorial) on how-to install Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with Kubernetes on the Rasberry Pi's.
